Friday, March 6, 2009

Terror on Cricket

The attack on Sri Lankan cricket team really took me by surprise because the attack was on their new friend. My first reaction was that of my Mr.HYDE which made me think this would really expose the Pakistan. My second thought was instigated more of Hyde, that, had a SL player been killed in the attack, Pakistan will taken to task by the international community. The positive side of Mr.Hyde in me took over from there and really felt sorry for the attack and every other player of any country will feel the UN-safety wherever he plays.

Assimilating the sequence and wondering what are the reasons behind the terror act some thoughts passed over my mind.

a). Geo TV footage showed that about a dozen terrorists were on the street roaming around with all types of guns and rocket launchers, you could hardly see any public taking notice or getting concerned of it. Where were any policeman at all. If this the state of entire Pakistan then wonder who will save Pakistan, hope GOD saves INDIA.

b). On that day itself as expected one Pakistan(tourism) minister said in their media that a foreign( Indian) hand could be there and that some ammunition had Indian Marks on it. This news could not go on too far and it was not allowed to go far by the Pakistan media. An interior minister vaguely overriding the statement, for they had no proof of it.

c). Rewind the memories to 26/11/08 attack on Mumbai. The terrorist came into another country, forced their entry in more than a couple of security zone places, clearly take not of the terrain and then effect an attack which killed about 50 persons on day 1 (one). Now in this case how come they could hit the target ( a BUS) when the only security available was a singe police escort in front of the bus. Cannot the Pakistan trained terrorist attack because the target was small and moving ( This time a bus in motion). Had it been the Indian team in the bus would they have missed the target, or would have they hit the bull's eye.

d). Could it be this way around. This is a state sponsored attack where they want to hit and NOT WANT TO HIT. why ?. To deflect the attention of our 26/11 where Pakistan in under mounting pressure from international community.


Pressure is mounting on Pakistan for it to act on 26/11/08 perpetrators- Indian team refuses to play cricket in Pakistan- Sri Lanka supports Pakistan cricket ( Pakistan cricket or Pakistan) and undertakes the cricket tour- the bus they travel is hit by bullets- The terrorists are caught in CCTV camera roaming with rocket launchers( what was for it was brought for or was it handled by a person who cannot find the target) - No player was seriously injured - ( may be that is the wish of state)- Sacrifice 4 or 5 lives of policemen ( why does the state cares about it)

Is it that Pakistan army trying to convey that Pakistan is not safe under the democratic government or that the Democratic government sensed foul with the army and created a scene where the situation is closely monitored by international countries

This was Pakistan, This is Pakistan, This will be Pakistan.

Need of the hour is India needs to strong, think strong, act strong.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Movie- Nan Kadavul

வணக்கம். நேற்று நான் நான் கடவுள் படம் பார்த்தேன், வெளியில் வரும் பொழுது சில எண்ணங்கள். தமிழ் சினிமாவில் பாலா வை போல சிந்தனை செய்ய வேறு யாரும் இல்லை.
After coming out of the movie I could hear a very few people didnt like the movie, but till the movie ended I could not hear a single dissent voice within the hall. More over most of all the viewers on the saturday night were young people very much synonymous to the so called latest trend moviies. Bala kept every one spell bound for over two hours,. Certainly all the people were tied by narration. This is the big success for the director Bala. We have heard of drug mafia, political mafia etc, here you are taken into the world of beggar mafia in total and the life's of the poor and downtrodden their family like intimacy, love to each other their dissappointment, anger and what all feelings you and me have. Those people are no different to bala. They are also made of same flesh & blood.
This is said to a violent movie but no blood is shown in the movie until climax that too very little and negligent when compared to all latest movies. But it is a violent movie. I think no film so far has brought out the life and death of beggars say even 10 percent of this film. And the music, WOW. its Vintage ILAYARAJA. thats all. In the film you get the real feel of streets Varanasi only bcos of his music. His music adds a mystique touch to the feel of varanasi
Excellent work in Cinematigraphy by Wilson, and the work by Art - Krishnamoorthy and special mention to dialogues by Jayamohan ( all real life dialogues) take the movie to great heights. Except a couple of regular actors all are new and underpriviledged who lived their life in the movie.
Hats of to bala. பாலா அடுத்த படம் இன்னும் சிறப்பாக எடுக்க நீண்ட நாள் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளுங்ள். Certainly a must watch movie for all - you like or not decide that after watching the movie
